Saturday, June 11, 2011


We are home now. I can't get This kid to sit down for more than two seconds. You would never know that only 2 days ago he had brain surgery.

He can't wait to ride bikes again. But we are going to make him wait until Monday or Tuesday.

He has so much energy. I just hope he is not over doing it.


  1. YAY!! What an awesome recovery!! It's truly amazing how resilient kids are, but this is extraordinary--but then again, we are talking about Superman Jack! Hopefully you will all rest a little easier in your own beds tonight. The love and prayers are still coming your way too!

  2. Super jack. That is amazing and nit surprising he is such a strong kid !!!!!!

  3. SO GLAD! I am amazed! I think you guys are amazing and we will continue to pray for you also! Please let us know if you need anything.


Thank you for taking time to comment. I read each and every comment to Jackson and they brighten his spirits. He loves that you are supporting him through reading his blog.