Thursday, August 4, 2011


We have been waiting for over 7 weeks for the some of Jackson's test results. AT/RT is a highly malignant cancer which can be genetically linked. That means that every one of our kids could carry the gene, and could be at a higher risk of getting the same cancer that Jackson is fighting.

The blood test had to be sent to Philadelphia and because it is genetic testing, it takes a LONG time.

7 weeks later and we got the news today that Jackson does not have the genetic marker. That means that it is NOT GENETIC! YAHOO! I cried when the Doctor told me the news today. It was such a relief to know that I can stop looking at my 22 month daughter and wondering if she is growing a tumor insider her little brain. What a blessing. This is a HUGE relief for Brian and I.

I can breathe a little easier tonight.

I wonder how much genetic testing costs? I guess we'll find out and maybe I'll post it here, just in case anyone else is wondering. I'm sure it will be another 7 weeks until we get the bill.


  1. That is wonderful news! I'm so happy that it was good news and that Jack is having a little bit better round of chemotherapy. We miss him SO much. I can't wait to see him riding his bike all over the neighborhood. He is the best!

  2. Wahoo So happy for you! A bit of relief For you. Jackson you are such a little super hero you are amazing I love you even when you don't like my pictures he he ;-) keep up the good work beating the cancer dragon!!!!

  3. That is such great news! What a relief for you guys :)

  4. Hello Jackson. This is your Grandma Jackie writing to you. I hope you will think of me as one of your grandmas. I know you have many of them and that you love them all very much. Remember how much fun we had at the zoo. I do read your blog and I am happy everytime I hear that something good has come into your life. Jo, Troy, Gavin, Emeree, Treven, Livia love you very much also. Much Love/

  5. Thank goodness for a piece of good news! We are keeping you guys in our prayers always.

  6. That is such a relief! And Jack you keep punching that cancer dragon in the nose! We're cheering for you!


Thank you for taking time to comment. I read each and every comment to Jackson and they brighten his spirits. He loves that you are supporting him through reading his blog.